Watermarks and Ownership of Photos
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I Protect My Images
The best way I can protect my images from unauthorized use is by watermarking my photos.
I have watermarks on my photos for two important reasons
- Copyright information embedded in photos can be removed by doing screenshots and other methods
- Promotion of my business
Personal and Small Business Use
Sharing on social media in a way that is not commercial use.
Watermarks may be removed for an additional $20.00 per photo (subject to change).
Watermark Examples for Paid Photo Sessions
Watermark Examples for Free Photo Sessions
Commercial Use
Commercial use may include , but is not limited to:
- Distribution or display in online publications
- Distribution of printed material
- Resale of photos
- Billboards and signage
- TV, Streaming and Multimedia
Profiting from photo use may include promotion of products or any other promotion or advertising.
Trading or bartering photos or anything of value is profiting and prohibited.
To profit from my photos, with or without a watermark, you need to pay for the rights to the photos.
Price varies depending on market, picture value and other circumstances.
Contact me.
The photographer owns the rights to the photo unless a separate contract is purchased for the rights of ownership.
The Federal Copyright Act of 1976, photographs are protected by copyright from the moment of creation.
A photographer will own that copyright throughout their life and 70 years afterwards.
Using photos in any unauthorized way is prohibited and a violation of copyright laws.
If this is the first time you have heard this sort of language I encourage you to research Photographers Copyrights.
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